Evelina Khromchenko visiting Kabarovsky
Fashion expert and TV presenter Evelina Khromchenko is a cult personality: in wide circles, the phrase “a person who knows everything about fashion and even more” has long become a household name. Her arrival was an important event that required careful preparation, since in order to surprise this fashionable person, it was necessary to come up with something special and interesting. A detailed tour of the company with a detailed story about each stage of jewelry creation, a business conversation in the format of a live dialogue with employees, a photo shoot in the brand’s jewelry in the “old town” and much more made up a cultural program for the fashion expert.Evelina enthusiastically photographed with everyone, took reportage pictures from the tour sites for Instagram and honestly answered the most incredible questions. “If you ask indecent questions, then I will answer them for sure!” – Evelina told our employees, but they were only concerned about professional questions necessary for work and the future of the brand.