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Symbol of faith from Kabarovsky jewelers

Symbol of faith from Kabarovsky jewelers Symbol of faith from Kabarovsky jewelers

Jewelry symbol of hope from Kabarovsky

To paraphrase a well-known saying of Nietzsche, we can say that: “If you look at the world pandemic for a long time, the pandemic begins to look at you.” Looking into it, we again remembered that we have only us, and only we can take care of each other. Yes, it was hard: the fear and uncertainty of the beginning of 2020, when we all found ourselves in a situation of forced self-isolation, anxiety in the face of an invisible enemy that the world has not known for several generations, a change in life guidelines and loss of emotional well-being. But in this situation it was very important not to lose faith in the best and confidence that we will survive this challenge with dignity and wisdom.

Symbol of faith from Kabarovsky jewelers Symbol of faith from Kabarovsky jewelers

We lived in hope, kept in touch with family and friends, mastered new hobbies and devoted time to self-development. We learned to live in a new world, mentally holding hands and warming each other with the warmth of our hearts! And how long-awaited were the meetings with dear people, when it became possible again just to hug a loved one and tell him how much you missed!

Symbol of faith from Kabarovsky jewelers Symbol of faith from Kabarovsky jewelers

To tell the whole story of this incredible year, to convey the full range of feelings of any person on our planet, Kabarovsky jewelers created a special decoration – a symbol of faith, hope and gratitude to all those who fought this virus face to face, and those who were just there, supported and did not let their spirits drop!

Symbol of faith from Kabarovsky jewelers Symbol of faith from Kabarovsky jewelers

A special bracelet “2020” with jewelry enamel embodies the transition from the twilight present to a bright and kind future, which will give strength and confidence that life goes on!

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